Significant growth in the market of refurbished smartphones

Significant growth in the market of refurbished smartphones

Significant growth in the market of refurbished smartphones

The market for refurbished smartphones grew by 15% in 2021, compared with the previous year, outstripping the growth of 4,5% of the market of new smartphoned. The Counterpoint Research reports that the refurbished units have gained popularity both among consumers and manufacturers smartphone.

The cost savings is a big factor for which people go to a refurbished device instead of a new one – a phone on the second hand market can be 60% cheaper, on average, from a new device. The two markets that have seen the highest growth is the Latin America (+29%) and India (+25%).

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However, mature markets such as the USA (+15%), Europe (+10%) and China (10%) saw growth of this market with their consumers to buy refurbished devices. And in these markets, consumers are faced with financial difficulties.

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